Mexico changed me: Finding the Inner Piece
May 06, 2023
Mexico changed me.
I voyaged there to speak at the Wild Woman Summit - an intimate gathering of sovereign women whose souls shone in full brilliance and feminine wisdom echoed through their voices as they shared their true character structure, with all present.
In Central Mexico, I bathed in art, culture and love for 10 whole days, a blessing I unconsciously knew I needed but could never have imagined would cause such a metamorphosis.
Canada has gotten so breathlessly ridden with rules and regulations and being in a place where neither “big brother” nor its cronies are constantly watching, made me feel like the cage was finally opened.
The hot springs open at 7am but I’m there at 6:45 and not one local made it their problem to prevent me from entering the blissful waters.
Beloved eye contact, gentle greetings and genuine smiles were shared by women, men, children and babies. Mothers carried their kidlets carefully but not retentively, passing them to friends, family and even strangers who might take a hot minute to share a cooing gaze with them.
Hugging and kissing was an embrace that I welcomed with an open heart and softened into as they came ceaselessly and with profound meaning.
The generosity of both material things and a helping hand brought me so much humility.
“Don’t worry”, said my new friend Azul, “we will help you” were kind words shared habitually.
In the city (and State) of Guanajuato, art was omnipresent - musicians and artisans free to exist on every street corner, sans license (imagine that!) and at liberty to express themselves at whatever hertz frequency was necessary.
Pure, natural mineral spring water was readily available - “con limon y sal, por favor” - to keep well hydrated and alkaline.
I had the most glorious coconut water after a long & brutally hot mountain hike - afterwards, the gracious “coconut guy” chopped up the fruit with a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of salt and chile powder - honestly, you haven’t lived until you’ve been graced with a taste of this wholesomeness.
The food was fresh, mostly affectionately made by families and the avocados were celestially perfect. Even the sizzling street food was prepared reverently; not only did I not feel “dirty” eating it, I felt exalted.
The Gardens were tendered by devout caretakers who looked delighted at my presence and sunny disposition. Flowers were in full sublime bloom and statues of the Virgin Mary emanated an apparition aura.
I realize Mexico is an immense country (something I had, admittedly, been quite ignorant about in the past) and that (as with any nation), it’s not all roses, rainbows and butterflies. I recognize I had quite the “Gringo” (a term seemingly mostly used to mean “entitled foreigner”) experience.
The moral of my story isn’t necessarily that the external form is the Garden of Eden I had been searching for, but rather that Eden was ignited from within by a culture that hasn’t completely lost its ability to access enchantment and amorousness.
I returned home to colder weather than I had anticipated but with such warmth inside of me that I was inspired to continue to cultivate the Dynamis I had resurrected throughout my travels.
I WILL use my creative imagination to dissolve the false beliefs that I had fallen prey to and generate the change I want to see in the world - starting with my "Inner Piece" project, morphing through my own reshaping, to become accessible for all - details to come.
In addition, I've created the Inner Piece Sessions, check it out.
If ever you plan on visiting Guanajuato, the locals ask only one thing - put down the fear baton and open your heart. Do not step foot into this blessed place as a neurotic and arrogant tourist. Allow yourself to be deeply loved by its people, its elegance and the feminine impulse.
This blog is intended to express the stories of my own unraveling, to be collectively shared here, at the Dynamis Institute.
Te amo!
Natalie Friese
Founder, Nature’s Vibe & The Dynamis Institute